Saturday, August 27, 2005

Another Children's Party, Modesto, CA

big orb against the grass, multiple orbs against wall, people

These pictures were taken during the birthday party of our neighbor's son. While the big pictures above and below are awash with orbs, I find the series of smaller pictures more fascinating beause of the orb that is seen making its progression, moving farther along the wall until the last picture, where it can be seen against the window frame.

(Click on images to enlarge.)

This picture is awash with orbs!

Check out the orb's progress by clicking on the thumbnails!

orb against pink wall one orb against the wall, one against the grass
I see five orbs in this picture the orb against the wall seems to have moved against the window frame

Saturday, August 20, 2005

A Friend's Birthday Party, Modesto, CA

an orb to the right of the birthday celebrant's head

Last Saturday, Lance and Troy went to the birthday party of their friend, Roberto. I caught a large orb during the blowing of the candles, visible against the black top of the girl behind the celebrant.

Once again, notice the orb's precise placing, as if it was actually posing for the camera. (Click on images to enlarge.)

I captured more orbs while Lance and Troy were dancing with their friend Nathalie. Notice the little one which looks like it's almost hiding under the rung of the ladder.

Lance and Nathalie dance Troy cuts in

After their dance, Nathalie and her friend flocked over to Lance for this next picture. As you can see, they weren't the only ones mugging for this photo op!

Lance is smothered in hugs