Sunday, April 24, 2005

Reanna's Dedication Ceremony

orbs posing with the family during Reanna's dedication

These pictures were taken during my daughter's baby dedication ceremony. It was held at St. John's Chapel of the Valley, here in downtown Modesto. Aside from the orbs which joined us in our pictures (like the two caught on camera above)...

We also captured some mysterious energy fields, visible over Reanna's head while we were praying over her.

you can see the energy over Reanna's head when we were praying over her
(Click on images to enlarge)

I also caught this orb on camera during the reception. Notice the difference between the reflection of the flash on the left and the orb on the right.

an orb in the reception

After the reception, the party continued at my sister-in-law Selina's house, where I captured an orb high against the wall, right by the curtains in the background.

another one by the curtains when the family retired to Selina's house

Visit my Brag Book to see all ten pictures of orbs and energy fields.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Vintage Faire Mall, Modesto, CA

an orb in the mall's play area
(Click on image to enlarge)

My kids like hanging out at the play area whenever we go to Vintage Faire Mall. I caught this orb on camera during one such mall trip.